It’s been a while. I’m sorry.

I wonder how many blog posts begin with these sentiments?
When I started this blog I promised myself I would never do a post like this; guilt and apology. That’s not what this blog is about. It wasn’t supposed to get personal. I’m not happy.

It would be easier if the blogs doldrum stillness wasn’t such an accurate reflection of my post-grad research. I’m not saying there’s nothing going on, there’s plenty of deck scrubbing and sail mending, but there’s also a distinct lack of forward momentum. And the crew (that would be me) is getting antsy.

Normally all this would go unmentioned, however… When I’m having trouble posting I do what I suspect most bloggers do, I read other peoples blogs. My two favourite blogs (with-out and triangularsun) have in the past few weeks taught me a couple of things; 1. a personal dialogue does not indicate a lack of intellectual engagement (it is not a fall away from knowledge), 2. if (or when) these blogs cease to exist I will miss them.

With these points in mind, I decided to make this post; an embarrassed and muffled apology (I’m not Spiro, this is as personal as I get), and an indication that there is more to come. This is the “umm” you sometimes need before the conversation can continue.

To answer my own question, a Google blog search for “sorry I haven’t posted in a while” returns 1,641 hits. I feel kind of dirty.

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