B&O MP3 Mod

I have a facination for Bang and Olufsen stereo equipment, possibly bordering on an obsession. I’m talking about the old stuff by Jacob Jensen, I think B&O have kind of lost the plot lately but the stuff from the 70’s and 80’s is great. I recently bought a non-working Beocenter 4600 on eBay for AU$51.

beocenter 4600

I had it going on and off for about 3 days and then something blew-up that I couldn’t track down. I was considering replacing it’s insides with a home made MP3 file server when a Beomaster 1500 turned up on eBay.

beomaster 1500

This receiver has a similar profile to the 4600 and I decided I’d buy it and rework the 4600 to match… so begins the B&O MP3 computer mod. I’ll post updates as I go.
If your interested in checking out some other great B&O designs try the extensive www.beocentral.com and www.beoworld.co.uk sites.

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