Appearing at Sustaining Practices: Collective Commons Day, CLUBSproject inc. Meat Market Arts House, North Melbourne.
The iPod Mash involves a clash of eras, combining a 4th generation iPod, 3.5″ hard drive, mixing circuitry and the case of an early 80’s AKAI tape player, the unit operates as an audio mixing deck. Tape transport controls are modified to operate an internally mounted iPod, level meters show internal and aux/dock inputs, and volume knobs are used to adjust the audio mix. This project builds on open source resources, adapting freely available circuit schematics and utilises discarded electronic components. The iPod used in constructing the unit was obtained from the iPod Social Outreach Program; the finished object was returned the iPod’s original owner.
The iPod Mash was awarded third prize in The 2007 Great Mac Mod Challenge.