How to Pokia

(If you’ve come here looking for instructions on how to make a Pokia then you may want to try my previous post or some of the links on the Pokia links page.)

I’ve been getting some comments on my Home Made Pokia post requesting extra information. It’s made me realise that there’s a marked difference between the “how to” and “how I” narrative. Historically, I think most DIY publishing was structured around the “How to”; “How to make a side table”, “How to fix a leaking toilet”, “How to knit a vest” (a detailed literature survey is really called for…) but with the advent of the internet (and in particular blogging) this seems to have changed. The various qualities of internet publishing (low cost, wide distribution, quick turnaround, reduction in specialised equipment and the possibility of responsive feedback) have moved the practice of publishing closer to that of personal speech. Everything is now a personal narrative, and in the DIY world “how I” has become the dominant theme.
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It’s been a while. I’m sorry.

I wonder how many blog posts begin with these sentiments?
When I started this blog I promised myself I would never do a post like this; guilt and apology. That’s not what this blog is about. It wasn’t supposed to get personal. I’m not happy.

It would be easier if the blogs doldrum stillness wasn’t such an accurate reflection of my post-grad research. I’m not saying there’s nothing going on, there’s plenty of deck scrubbing and sail mending, but there’s also a distinct lack of forward momentum. And the crew (that would be me) is getting antsy.

Normally all this would go unmentioned, however… When I’m having trouble posting I do what I suspect most bloggers do, I read other peoples blogs. My two favourite blogs (with-out and triangularsun) have in the past few weeks taught me a couple of things; 1. a personal dialogue does not indicate a lack of intellectual engagement (it is not a fall away from knowledge), 2. if (or when) these blogs cease to exist I will miss them.

With these points in mind, I decided to make this post; an embarrassed and muffled apology (I’m not Spiro, this is as personal as I get), and an indication that there is more to come. This is the “umm” you sometimes need before the conversation can continue.

To answer my own question, a Google blog search for “sorry I haven’t posted in a while” returns 1,641 hits. I feel kind of dirty.


(yet) Another Screen

You would think (or at least I would think) that if you’re buying equipment to put inside something then at some point you would measure the equipment and measure the something to check that everything fits. But that didn’t happen.

14 inch PowerBook Display

And so this happened. As you can see, the proposed screen for my MP3 player is a little bit bigger than the proposed case. A bit of a problem, but (as you may have surmised from the picture in the previous post) a problem that had a solution.
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The Unknown Unknown

I’ve spent the last couple of months working on my B&O MP3 mod. I was hoping to have it finished in time for the MacMod competition but after a frantic week (and some sleepless nights) it became obvious that wasn’t going to happen – there was just too much to get done. At the competition deadline (August 31st 11:59 p.m. USA EST) the player looked like this:

the MP3 player so far

Close, but no cigar (and no Mac Mini either). But despite this missed deadline things are generally going well with the project.
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Not (without) my favicon

My blog has a face that I never see.

In the past two weeks I’ve had questions regarding a small head that is apparently appearing next to my blog’s web address; “Is is me?”. Well no it’s not, but more to the point what the hell are you talking about? all I see is the standard picture of the world (I use Safari). For a few days I dismissed these reports as the sad ramblings of the internetically challenged (sorry Lucus), but then I was sent this:

my favicon
(thanks @ for the image)

Like most people I’ve been aware of those little address bar icons for a while now but I hadn’t paid them much attention – time to change that.

Apparently they’re called “favicons”, a combination of the terms FAV (for favourites because they appear in IE’s favourites bar?) and ICON (the Windows file format they use). To get one to appear on your site all you need to do is make a small picture (16 x 16 pixels) and save it in ICON file format as “favicon.ico”. Upload this file to the root directory for your site and voila! (if you don’t get the voila! try following Matthew’s far more comprehensive instructions – read his addendum at the bottom of the page; apparently you can also save them as .png files)

So, what’s this interloping head doing on my blog? I went searching my sites files for a favicon… no? Not in my sites root directory, not in my templates folder, nowhere. No sign of my favicon and no explanation as to why I can’t see it and everyone else can. I guess I could replace the head with my own stupid version, but I want to get to the bottom of this. Can you see the blue beanied head? Do you know from whence it came? Comment me…