Oct 02 2006

Where is the iSOP?

Published by at 6:55 pm under about

UPDATE: iSOP and the associated exhibition 'Bartertown' has now closed. For further  information on the exhibition contact Uplands gallery. If you have questions regarding iSOP please leave a comment here or email iSOP [at] inbox [dot] com.

The iPod Social Outreach Program is taking place in Uplands gallery, Studio 2 & 3, 249-251 Chapel St., Prahran, Victoria, Australia. The program is part of an exhibition called Bartertown curated by local artist Nadine Christensen. Other artist in the show include: Delphine Coindet, DAMP, Dane Mitchell, and David Stamp.

Accessing the gallery can be a little bit daunting for the first time visitor, but don't let that put you off; a little perseverance will get you in. If you're worried read the pointers below.

The gallery is situated above the Freedom Machine bike shop on Chapel Street with the entry located between the bike shop and Tandy. This is a security entrance and you will need to buzz the gallery, do this by pressing number 3 followed by the key button (a lot of people forget to press the key button and then wonder why no one responds). Another helpful thing to know is that the door swings out (no amount of pushing on it is going to get you in : ). OK so you've made it into the foyer (the next door swings either way – it's not an issue), go up the stairs or take the elevator to the first floor. Now you need to cross the buildings central courtyard, there's a couple of steps up to the courtyard door, then a short walk across the courtyard to the door on the other side, step through that doorway and you're in Uplands gallery.

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